Need Some New Ideas For Team Building During The Summer Months? Check These Out

During the summer months, it can be difficult to keep your team motivated to continue doing the same level of work they do during the rest of the year. The weather is warm. The sun is shining. A lot of your team members may be thinking about their upcoming vacations. You can keep them motivated and working well together by introducing some new and different ideas for team building games during the summer months. Here are some ideas to try out.

Have a BBQ with Outdoor Games 

One great way to get your team to relax and refocus again is to take them out of the office for a while and into the outdoors. You can host a BBQ in which your employees can contribute what they would like to have and then play some fun and also team building outdoor games. For example, have a game of baseball – the team must work and strategize together in order to win, or even soccer.

Before the day of the BBQ, ask your workers what games they would like to play to further ensure a good level of participation and teamwork.

Friendly Competitions

If your company has more than one team working on projects at any given time, then you could create some friendly competitions to encourage them to work together to bring about the best outcome for each project. You could offer prizes or gifts such as restaurant coupons, game tickets, or concert tickets or perhaps the winning team gets a day off at some point during the slower season.

Have a Retreat

While it is important to make sure your team stays motivated and working toward your goals, you need to let them relax and unwind. You can do this by organizing a retreat that encourages they unplug from electronics and communicate with each other for the day. The best way for a team to build strength together and work more effectively as a unit is to simply spend time speaking with each other and doing activities outside of the work environment.

You could arrange for a visit to a local spa, arrange to rent out a local pool for a few hours or even take them to a ranch for horseback riding. The retreat could be something as simple as going out for ice creams or spending the day at a picnic. The important part of it is that the team members communicate with each other and learn each other's strengths.
